Publishing Ethics and Malpractice Declaration

Creative Saplings (CS) Publishing Ethics and Malpractice Declaration (ISSN: 0974-536X)

Editorial independence and integrity: Creative Saplings (CS) is devoted to upholding the highest editorial independence and integrity standards. The editorial team works hard to ensure that the peer review process is fair, objective, and transparent, and that editorial choices are made based on the research's quality and relevance.

Editing and publishing processes: Creative Saplings (CS) aspires for transparency in its editorial and publishing processes, as well as to ensure that all published articles are of high quality and contribute to knowledge growth. The time from Submission to acceptance is 20 days.

Creative Saplings (CS) takes ethics violations seriously and may apply punishments such as retraction of papers, barring authors from future submissions, or reporting misconduct to relevant authorities.

Hence, CS is dedicated to sustaining the highest standards of publication ethics, as well as the integrity and quality of its published research.

Commitment to Publication Ethics:

The Society for Academic Facilitation and Extension (Regd) is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of scholarly publishing ethics. We diligently follow the guidelines set by various academic organizations to ensure that our publications meet international quality benchmarks. By continuously updating our publication practices, we maintain these high standards. We expect all individuals involved with Creative Saplings to comply with the ethical norms detailed on our website. This ethics and malpractice policy follows the general guidelines set forth by COPE (

Maintenance of Ethical Standards in Creative Saplings:

Creative Saplings is fully committed to following best practices in handling ethical issues, mistakes, and retractions. Preventing any form of publication malpractice is a core duty of the editorial board. We have zero tolerance for any unethical practices, particularly plagiarism. Authors who submit their manuscripts to Creative Saplings confirm that their work is entirely original. Additionally, they guarantee that the article has not been published elsewhere in any form and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Peer Review Process of the Journal:

All submitted articles undergo a Double-Blind Peer Review process, ensuring the anonymity of both authors and reviewers. Initially, we evaluate the submission to ensure that it meets the basic standards and falls within the scope of the journal. If the article fails to meet these criteria, it is promptly rejected, and the author is informed. Should the editors approve, two or more reviewers are assigned for a thorough review. In cases of conflicting reviewer opinions, the final decision lies with the Chief Editor.

Authorship Guidelines:

All publications, including research articles and conference proceedings, must appropriately attribute authorship. Given our online submission process, the corresponding author—who initiates the submission—holds the primary responsibility for ensuring adherence to publication ethics. This involves:

  • Guaranteeing that the manuscript is the original work of the author(s),
  • Informing all co-authors of the submission,
  • Securing approval from all authors for publication,
  • Properly acknowledging the contributions of each author,
  • Recognizing any additional individuals or organizations that contributed to the work,
  • Ensuring that the Conflicts of Interest form is completed and submitted in a timely manner.

Guidelines regarding Changes in Authorship:

Authors who wish to request alterations in the authorship of a submitted manuscript should direct their request to the Chief Editor. The Editorial Board of Creative Saplings retains the authority to make the final decision on such requests. Changes will only be approved if a valid reason is presented and if there is unanimous agreement among all authors. If any authorship changes occur after publication, a public notification may be issued.

Denouncement of ‘Ghost,’ ‘Guest,’ or ‘Gift’ Authorship:

We strongly denounce the unethical practice of ‘Ghost,’ ‘Guest,’ or ‘Gift’ authorship, where an individual’s name is included despite their lack of significant contribution to the manuscript. Strict measures will be taken to prevent and address such misconduct.

Publication Process:

The Society for Academic Facilitation and Extension (Regd) insists that all individuals involved in the publication process, including editors, reviewers, and website managers, adhere to international standards. We continuously strive to elevate the quality of our publications and expect authors to commit to these ethical norms by adhering to our submission guidelines.


Plagiarism is a serious violation of academic integrity. Authors must ensure their submissions are free from plagiarism, with proper attribution and, where necessary, permission for the use of others' works. The journal disclaims responsibility for copyright violations and will not initiate actions in cases of copyright infringement.

Defamation or Promotion:

We discourage the inclusion of any content that could be construed as defamatory or promotional in nature.

Gender, Racial, and Cultural Bias:

Creative Saplings does not tolerate discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, or culture. Manuscripts are evaluated solely on their scholarly merit, following the journal’s submission guidelines.

Steps Against Misconduct:

We may take the following measures in response to any unethical practices:

  • Retraction of the published article with a public notification.
  • Republishing a modified version with a clear explanation of the changes.
  • Blacklisting the author, prohibiting them from future submissions.
  • Informing the author’s institution, supervisor, or relevant authorities of the misconduct, along with supporting evidence.

Publication Decisions:

The editors of Creative Saplings are responsible for deciding which manuscripts are suitable for publication. These decisions are based on the reviewers' evaluations, consultations with other editors, and adherence to the journal’s ethical policies. Editors must also comply with applicable legal standards concerning libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

Fair Play of review process:

All submissions will be reviewed impartially, focusing solely on intellectual merit. Authors' age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality, or political beliefs will not influence the review process.

Confidentiality of MSS:

All manuscripts submitted for peer review are treated with strict confidentiality. The editor and editorial team are prohibited from disclosing any information regarding a submitted manuscript to anyone except the corresponding author, potential reviewers, and other editorial advisors, as necessary. Editors and reviewers are not permitted to use submitted content without the authors' explicit consent.

Significant Errors in Published Works:

If a substantial error or inaccuracy is identified in a published work, either by the author or independently, the journal’s editors will collaborate with the author to retract or correct the article as necessary. The editors retain the right to make corrections and issue a dated erratum if deemed appropriate.

Handling Unethical Conduct:

In cases of unethical conduct, the Editorial Board follows the recommendations and guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The detailed guidelines of Complaint Handling Committee is given here.

Retraction Policy:

The journal, Creative Saplings, adheres to the COPE Retraction Guidelines in such matters.

Conflict of Interest:

To ensure transparency in the publication process, all participants—authors, editors, reviewers, and other involved parties—are urged to avoid any conflicts of interest. The journal’s publication policies are regularly updated to address these concerns.


Authors affiliated with this journal must avoid conflicts of interest, whether financial, promotional, or honorary. The corresponding author is responsible for submitting the Conflict of Interest statement, duly signed by all co-authors.

Editors and Reviewers:

Editors and reviewers are expected to avoid any potential conflicts of interest in their professional roles. They must follow the provided guidelines to maintain the integrity of the journal's ethical standards. Any internal conflict of interest is addressed by the Chief Editor, who ensures privacy and takes appropriate action. The editorial board operates with full autonomy and scholarly independence, without interference from the publisher, Society for Academic Facilitation and Extension (Regd).

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest:

Any unpublished information disclosed in a manuscript will not be used by the editor or editorial board for personal research without the author's explicit written permission.

Editors must justify any substantial deviations from the standard review process and should only reverse publication decisions if major issues arise. Clear guidelines for authors and reviewers will be published, regularly updated, and linked to this code of conduct.

The duties outlined for editors, authors, and reviewers are based on the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors.

Duties and responsibility of Authors:

Reporting Standards:

Authors of original research must provide an accurate report of their work and an objective interpretation of its significance. The data presented should be reliable, and sufficient detail should be provided to allow replication of the research. Fabrication or false reporting is considered unethical and unacceptable.

Data Access and Retention:

Authors must be prepared to provide data relevant to their manuscript for editorial review, and they should retain this data for a reasonable period following publication.

Originality and Plagiarism:

Authors must ensure that their submissions are original. If they have used the work or words of others, proper citation or quotation must be provided.

Avoidance of Multiple, Redundant, or Simultaneous Publication:

Authors should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time, as doing so is considered unethical.

Acknowledgement of Sources:

Authors must appropriately acknowledge the work of others that has influenced their research. Proper citation of such works is mandatory.

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest:

All authors must disclose any financial or other significant conflicts of interest that could affect the interpretation or results of their manuscript. Any financial support for the research should also be acknowledged.

Fundamental Errors in Published Works:

If an author discovers a major error or inaccuracy in their published work, they are obliged to notify the journal editor or publisher promptly and work with the editor to retract or correct the article.

Primary Authorship:

The primary author of a manuscript should be the individual who made the most significant contribution to the research. All contributors should be listed as co-authors. Others who assisted in the research should be acknowledged as contributors. The final manuscript must be approved by all co-authors before submission for publication.

Alterations in Authorship

Changes to authorship involve modifications to the authors' names—such as additions, deletions, or rearrangements—after a manuscript has been accepted. Once a paper is published online, no further alterations to the authorship can be made.

If there is a need to adjust the authorship, the following must be provided:

  • A clear explanation for the addition or removal of an author.
  • A written agreement (submitted via scanned email) from all authors, confirming their consent to the proposed changes in the author list.
  • The editor will inform any author who is to be added or removed and will require their consent.
  • Requests for changes not submitted by the corresponding author will not be entertained.


The authors guarantee that their submitted manuscript is original and has not been published or considered for publication elsewhere. All co-authors and any relevant institutional authorities must approve the submission. The authors also affirm that the manuscript contains no false statements and does not infringe on the rights of others. If copyrighted material is included, the authors are responsible for securing the necessary permissions. The corresponding author guarantees that they have full authority to make these claims on behalf of all co-authors.

Duties of Reviewers

Contribution to Editorial Decisions

Peer review assists the editor in making decisions about manuscripts and helps authors improve their work through constructive feedback.


Reviewers who feel unqualified to evaluate a manuscript or are unable to provide a timely review should notify the editor and withdraw from the process.


Manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential. They should not be shared or discussed with others except with permission from the editor.

Standards of Objectivity

Reviews should be objective and free from personal criticism of the author. Reviewers must express their opinions clearly and support their comments with evidence.

Acknowledgment of Sources

Reviewers should identify any relevant published works that have not been cited by the authors. They should also notify the editor of any significant overlap between the manuscript under review and other works they are familiar with.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Information or ideas obtained during peer review must remain confidential and not be used for personal gain. Reviewers should not evaluate manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with the authors or affiliated institutions.

Duties of the Publisher

  • The publisher Society for Academic Facilitation and Extension (Regd) ensures independent editorial decision-making.
  • Editors of Creative Saplings are responsible for overseeing all processes related to the manuscripts submitted to the journal. Editors will make decisions without regard to economic or political pressures.
  • The publisher is committed to preventing academic misconduct, including fraud and plagiarism.
  • In cases of alleged or proven academic misconduct, fraudulent publication, or plagiarism, the publisher, in cooperation with the editors, will take necessary steps to address the issue. This may include publishing an erratum or, in extreme cases, retracting the work.
  • The publisher, in conjunction with the editors, will take proactive steps to identify and prevent the publication of work based on research misconduct. The publisher will not knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.
  • Neither the publisher nor the journal discriminates on the basis of age, colour, religion, disability, marital status, veteran status, nationality, race, gender, or sexual orientation in its publishing practices.
  • The publisher is committed to the long-term availability and preservation of academic research and ensures its accessibility through digital archiving.

Important Note:

  • The publisher and editorial team take all necessary measures to identify and prevent the publication of papers involving research misconduct.
  • Under no circumstances will the publisher or editors promote or knowingly allow such misconduct to occur.
  • Should the publisher or editors become aware of any allegations regarding research misconduct, they will address these concerns promptly and appropriately.
  • The journal follows established protocols for retracting or amending articles when required.
  • Publishers and editors are committed to issuing corrections, clarifications, retractions, or apologies as needed.

Advertising Policy:

Creative Saplings does not endorse any product or service advertised or promoted by sponsors in its publications. The integrity of editorial content remains unaffected by commercial or financial interests or agreements with advertising clients or sponsors. The editorial board strictly does not consider or publish advertising articles, whether paid or free of charge.

Revenue Sources:

Creative Saplings is a self-financed open-access journal, available online. The journal does not impose any article processing charges (APC), hidden fees, or copy-editing fees on authors. Its operation relies entirely on the volunteer efforts of individuals affiliated with various institutions and universities.

Direct Marketing Policy:

Creative Saplings does not engage in direct marketing practices such as direct mail, telemarketing, or direct response advertising to solicit papers from authors. The journal does not employ direct marketing techniques to encourage submissions. It recognizes that such marketing approaches can have detrimental effects on the integrity of global research. The journal values authentic research and publishes through a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. Manuscripts are not solicited through commercial means, and authors choose to publish in Creative Saplings based on its reputation for quality, content, and open-access availability on its website or other open-access platforms.