Authors, poets, translators, and reviewers are invited to submit their original unpublished works for publication to Creative Saplings (CS) in a standard format. Our editorial board will select relevant, original, and polished write-ups. Following guidelines are to be followed for submitting write-ups:
* Original and unpublished literary works are to be sent. We don't Accept AI Written papers at all.
* Submission materials should be polished and almost faultless.
* The article title must not exceed 12 words.
* Author names should be presented without titles.
* A correspondence email address must be provided.
* The affiliation, including the university/institution and country, should be clearly stated.
* The article title should be presented in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.
* The abstract must be written in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.
* The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
* All submissions must be in 12 New Times Roman, 1.5 spacing and all pages numbered starting from the title page.
* Minimum lenghth of the research paper should be 4000 words.
* All texts must be fully justified.
* The latest MLA edition should be followed with Works Cited entries.
* In case of having more than one author:
* Name of 1st Author, 2. Name of 2nd Author, 3. Name of 3rd Author
* Designation of 1st Author, 2. Designation of 2nd Author, 3. Designation of 3rd Author
* Name of Department of 1st Author,
* Name of organization of 1st Author, City, Country, Email address.
* No special characters, numbers, or symbols are to be used in the title and abstract of any submission.
* The chapter should begin with a brief Abstract and keywords.
* Paper Title, Author Names/Affiliations, Abstract, and Keywords must be in single-column format.
*The similarity index must be strictly attached with each submission.
*The contributors are requested not to mention their names anywhere in the article except in the front page.
* All the submissions must be sent to email: [email protected].
Download English Article Template