Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Special Issue, October, Creative Saplings

From “Neti” to “Deathless Goddess”: The Feminine in Nandini Sahu’s Sita and Shedding the Metaphors
Abstract views: 190 /
PDF downloads: 115
Sita’s Story: Intertextuality and Folkloric Allusions in the Creation of a Desi Feminist Discourse in Nandini Sahu’s Sita
Abstract views: 283 /
PDF downloads: 148
The Personal as Political: A Study in Nandini Sahu’s Sita (A Poem)
Abstract views: 238 /
PDF downloads: 66
Re-routing/Re-mapping Identity and Belongingness Through Mythology and Folklore: A Critical Appraisal of Nandini Sahu’s Poetry
Abstract views: 229 /
PDF downloads: 98
A Study in Subversive Literature vis-à-vis Sita and Ahalya in the poems of Nandini Sahu
Abstract views: 178 /
PDF downloads: 97
Many Masculinities: Reading Stories from Shedding the Metaphors by Nandini Sahu
Abstract views: 180 /
PDF downloads: 95
Understanding Trauma in Nandini Sahu’s That Elusive Orgasm of An Incest Victim
Abstract views: 211 /
PDF downloads: 91
Reading Past through the Present: A Comparative Analysis of Nandini Sahu's Sita with Valmiki's Ramayana through an Indic Perspective
Abstract views: 249 /
PDF downloads: 121
Reimagining the Myth of Ahalya: A Feminist Reading of Nandini Sahu’s Poem Ahalya’s Waiting
Abstract views: 243 /
PDF downloads: 90