The Usage of Technical Presentations and Professional Speaking in Educational and Corporate Sectors

Presentation, Professional speaking, education, corporate sector, visual aids, transparencies.Abstract
Today’s instructive system has become more amenable to assortment and a much wider range of interests and capabilities. In today’s world, we observe that a ground-breaking and techno-savvy audience is coming into view that is technological in academic accomplishments. These audiences anticipate that the speeches delivered by the speakers should be appealing, interactive, reachable and engaging. It is the technology that draws more attention to the presenter as well as spectators. In this globalized world, new kind of presenters and presentations are conveyed through podium speeches. These presenters such as CEO’s, politicians, priests, University Professors, Sales representatives etc., deliver presentations in inventive ways. Presenters are expected to employ visual aids and to offer handouts to the audience. The pioneering presenter always connects with the audience during speaking and leaves a long-lasting impact on them. At the same time, the audience takes hold of the information demonstrated on the screen. In this manner, technical presenters endow with technical proficiency through their resourceful presentation. In this research article, the researcher would like to acquaint the major traits of a capable and trustworthy presenter has focused on several characteristics of technical presentation and professional speaking. He has talked about the several presentation-based facts such as definition, features, significance, goals, types, classification, configuration, mechanism, planning and delivery of the presentation, preparing and making presentation, use of audio-visual aids, the groundwork of PowerPoint slides and transparencies, guiding principles and verbal communication for effective presentation etc.
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Web References:
http://www.presentation –skills.blz/
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