Ripples of Insurgency: A Reading of The House with a Thousand Stories


  • Purabi Goswami Assistant Professor Dept of English Handique Girls’ College Guwahati



The inexorable presence of insurgency has vitiated Assam and the other North-eastern states for a long period of time; but the reality faced by the inhabitants in these areas are represented more sensibly and truthfully by the literature produced by the writers of the North-east. The paper looks at one such depiction by a young writer from Assam, Arun Kashyap in his English novel, The House with a Thousand Stories.


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How to Cite

Purabi Goswami , translator. “Ripples of Insurgency: A Reading of The House With a Thousand Stories”. Creative Saplings, vol. 3, no. 5, May 2024, pp. 1-10,