Forging Dialogue through Fiction: Exploring Feminist Resilience in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Palace of Illusions

Defiance, feminist assertion, androcentric epic, patriarchal power structures, resilience, gendered biases, subverting conventions.Abstract
One of the well-known Indian American writers, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's writings mainly address women's experiences in a highly compelling manner, documenting the unique experiences of women and the patriarchal structures of oppression they had to go through in their lives. For example, in her famous works as The Palace of Illusions and The Forest of Enchantments Divakaruni retells old Hindu myths and offers new interpretations through the voices of her female characters. Those voices reinforce the problems that women have to face in life: their struggles, ambitions, and conflicts within the boundaries set by society. This paper explores The Palace of Illusions to critically analyse how the character of Draupadi critiques and challenges patriarchal norms. Through a feminist lens, it probes at her resilience. This central narrative force brought to light her role in calling into question the deeply entrenched structures of the male-dominated society. Divakaruni retells the story of the Mahabharata from Draupadi's point of view, thus giving her agency and autonomy in an epic that is a male-centric story. This paper heralds the complex character of Draupadi, from her unusual birth to her bold decisions and actions, and depicts her as a symbol of strength and resistance against oppression. In analysing some crucial events of this novel, like the public humiliation of Draupadi and her vow for justice, this study emphasizes the challenges that lie ahead of us in the form of entrenched gender inequalities. This paper finally argues that The Palace of Illusions is a significant contribution to feminist literary analysis by challenging patriarchal conventions and celebrating the unrelenting spirit of female resilience embodied in Draupadi.
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