A Note on Feminism and Post-Modernism

Feminism, Modernism, Post-modernism, Chauvinism, Plight of women, Psychological and Social Revolution, Political and Social Strife, Ethnic Studies, Post-Structuralism.Abstract
The Western hemisphere's physical and cultural ambience of the past four decades was the stage for the emergence of feminism and post-modernism. A study of the contrasts, similarities and interrelations, various artistic forms and media of expression render a vivid diversity and widespread popularity to these two isms- hence the apt title to this article should be – “A Note on Feminism and Post-modernism”. Recognizing and rejecting the flourishing undercurrent of unitary and biased, fictitious notions and extracting the different lifestyles, values, thoughts and history of another kind that are overshadowed by the rational logic, tradition, culture, and history of age old male chauvinistic perspectives; and accepting and encouraging the natural plurality in the existence and expression of human beings- if these are considered to be the general characteristics of feminisms, then post-modernism and feminism ought to be allies. But we find this connection very complex when we observe the changes in feminisms caused by the influence of post-modernism.
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