The Future of Climate Change and Ecofeminism in Barbara Kingsolver's Novels


  • N Sathiyarajan Associate Professor Takshashila University TindivanamOngur



Flight Behavior, Prodigal Summer, Ecofeminism, and Climate Change.


Thematically, Flight Behavior departs from Prodigal Summer in its examination of the reality and effects of climate change. This novel focuses on those who deny or oppose the reality of climate change and its impact on their lives. The men in Flight Behavior, with the notable exception of the scientist Byron, perpetuate exploitative land use practises. This novel's emphasis on animals and their reproductive success opens up a crucial ecofeminist route. The monarchs have had to relocate their home and nesting grounds due to climate change, and their uncertain yet ominous future is mirrored by other difficult births in the novel: Dellarobia has a traumatic birthing experience with Hester's lambs as she comes to terms with the death of her and Cub's child. Optimism is what readers should take away from the two novels reviewed in this thesis. Understanding how people are connected to everything on Earth will help us revive the planet and stop exploiting people, animals, and nature for profit and pleasure. This paper's final chapter changes from Prodigal Summer's status quo to Flight Behavior's future. The third chapter examined how masculinist land practises replicated patriarchal, exploitative environmental usage and how only the novel's female characters perceived ecological alternatives. This chapter discusses the consequences of ignoring environmental exploitation and climate change. This chapter will cover denial, reality, and climate change mitigation to continue discussing realities and implications. I'll study how humans and nonhumans deny reality. Kingsolver said in an interview that others' denial inspired this novel. I'll list the middle class's environmental needs. Dellarobia becomes a pseudoscientist from a housewife. The environmental movement's butterfly conservationists in Appalachia are a parody. Dellarobia also resembles many of the ladies in chapter two who became reluctant environmentalists. Finally, hope. Dellarobia leads Kingsolver's audience to good change. The novel's ending is uncertain, but I think it's optimistic because of resistance.


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How to Cite

N Sathiyarajan , translator. “The Future of Climate Change and Ecofeminism in Barbara Kingsolver’s Novels”. Creative Saplings, vol. 2, no. 2, Feb. 2023, pp. 31-41,