The Songs of William Blake and Sant Kavi Lakshmi Sakhi: A Spiritual, Mystical, and Literary Exploration

Indian Knowledge System, Sant Sahitya,Sant Kavi Lakshmi Sakhi,Teruwan Math,Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, Spiritualism, Mysticism, Yogic Concentration, Ram Sahitya, William Blake.Abstract
Both William Blake and Sant Lakshmi Sakhi belong to two different religions, cultures, and climes, but their views and visions, images, and imaginations have very close conformity in both matter and manner, which make the readers mesmerized in the realms of spiritualism, mysticism, and literature. William Blake was the late 18th century and early 19 th Century mystic and spiritual poet whose classic work " Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience" dealt with spiritualism, mysticism, and romanticism in its rich manifestations with meaning and message not only to the contemporary age but even today in this dry and monotonous age of materialism. Similarly, Sant Kavi Lakshmi Sakhi, the great saint of the Bhojpuri language, was the 19 th Century mystic and spiritual poet whose four classic divine works, namely Amar Sidhi, Amar Kahani, Amar Bilas, and Amar Faras, are milestones in the field of spiritual and mystical poetry often suffused with the colour and craftsmanship of the various tools and devices of great art and literature. Unfortunately, the language Bhojpuri in which Sant Lakshmi Sakhi has poured his thoughts and messages woven into the fabric of art and beauty, is marginalized today in Bihar, and such classic works that need to be restored, preserved, and upgraded for posterity are in utter negligence. Modern Facebook boys and girls have little concern about such classic legacies. The aforementioned four Granthas of Sant Lakshmi Sakhi, which are called "Granth Ramji," are worshipped in the Samadhi Sthal ( Monastery) at Teruwan Math near Sattar Ghat on the bank of pious river Narayani ( Gandaki) in the district of Gopalganj, Bihar, India. "Amar Sidhi," and its translation into the English language is being processed. Today, the young generation must know their heritage and legacy, and it is time to wake up with concerted efforts to make "the local to vocal," which is also part and parcel of the Modern Indian Knowledge System of Education.
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